15 ♡ non-binary ♡ proffessional rat

local caffeine addicted moth makes art, more at 11


  • commissions have been opened!
  • might change the look of some character profiles, might not
  • working on getting more characters up

view my tag directory here

bE sUrE tO lIkE aNd SubSrIbE

Commissions Trades Requests

  • Basic DNI criteria (this carrd summarizes it pretty well)
  • Treats mental illness as something that should be desired.
  • Proshipper/Anti-Anti.
  • Fujoshis/fudanshis.
  • Superstraight, supergay, superbi, etc.
  • People who unironically identify as mcyt "genders" (ex. dreamgender) and mcyt "sexualities" (ex. dnfsexual).
  • I'll probably think of some more things later lol

  • I support xenogenders and neopronouns. Some of my characters will have them and I will not tolerate discourse on my account.
  • I swear a lot!! If we're talking one-on-one feel free to tell me to tone it down but on my profile I can't guarantee that everything I say will be PG.
  • You may see me use the word "Traumacore" to describe my ocs. This is not me making an aesthetic out of trauma. I use traumacore as a coping mechanism and I ask that you respect that.
  • I have fairly mixed feelings on self-diagnosis. If you feel you have a disorder by all means look into it and do research to help yourself but please do not treat it as the same a medical diagnosis. I have ADHD and in recent times I have seen a lot of people spread blatant misinformation about it based on them being self-diagnosed. ADHD killed my future and it isn't something that one should want or glorify. There is a reason disorders are disorders and not character traits.

A lot of my stories and character lore contain things that might be unsettling to read about. Any of my characters that have explicit mentions of certain subjects will be marked with a content warning but non-explicit mentions will not be. Please know your own boundaries and do not continue to read things that will make you uncomfortable.


  • Do not sexualize my underage ocs. You can check their age on their profile and if it's not listed you can ask me. There are also some adult characters that I'd prefer you don't sexualize - it will be specified on their page but as always if you can't find it feel free to ask first.
  • If I ask you to take something containing my work/characters/etc. down please understand and comply.
  • Feel free to reference my art but please do not steal, claim, or trace my art or ocs.
  • Do not offer on any of my ocs with stories!
  • Kinning is fine! Dare I say it's encouraged?? I just ask that you don't take too far and end up breaking some other rules.
code by jiko | heavily inspired by minco